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You're viewing Miami Vice Cheat Codes

Game Name : Miami Vice
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2002-06-28 01:47:47
Views : 27936

Cheat :
This cheat will give you unlimited men in the game. Make sure STATIC1.EXE, BOATS.EXE, SCROLL.EXE, STATIC2.EXE and STATIC3.EXE are in your current sub-directory.

Type From The DOS Prompt:
ren static1.exe static1
ren boats.exe boats
ren scroll.exe scroll
ren static2.exe static2
ren static3.exe static3
n static1
e 4add 90 90 90 90
e 4d55 90 90 90 90
n boats
e 5042 90 90 90 90
e 5860 90 90 90 90
n scroll
e 5190 90 90 90 90
e 59c8 90 90 90 90
n static2
e 3cf2 90 90 90 90
e 3fe5 90 90 90 90
n static3
e 3a34 90 90 90 90
e 3c93 90 90 90 90

ren static1 static1.exe
ren boats boats.exe
ren scroll scroll.exe
ren static2 static2.exe
ren static3 static3.exe

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